My sister-in-law, who may be laughing at, not with me, most of the time, sent me a link to H365 to jazz my life up a little, and for that I'm extremely grateful.
H365 took two easy, somewhat boring essentials and coated them with style.
The RC-1 Rain Collector is a gorgeous piece of rainwater harvesting equipment. I currently have two big black recycled plastic barrels in my backyard, dutifully storing rain water. I know there are some prettier models out there -- even locally at Lurvey's -- but I don't throw away what works perfectly fine just because it ain't the prettiest thing out there.

However. I have several other downspouts looking for a harvesting mate, and once this pretty goes on sale, I am first in line. I love that it's white, mod, and high enough off the ground to make filling the accompanying watering can without too much stooping. According to the website, the RC-1 holds 45 gallons of the most chic rainwater in town.
Just for fun -- here's the DR-1 Drying Rack, which strolls flat and fashionable around your pad until you need an arm for support.

I'm a fat baby too, and had two more (27 lbs at first birthdays). I love your blog!
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