As much as I love my kitchen waste collection bin, it just can't beat what Daily Dump came up with.
Daily Dump is a group based in India with the goals of helping homeowners handle their organic waste in an earth-friendly way.
Daily Dump sells gorgeous pottery composters, some of which are pictured here, and they also offer services to help homeowners who are new to composting. Services include set-up, demonstration, pot painting, monthly or weekly maintenance including sieving of finished compost, and crisis visits.
Daily Dump will also buy back any pottery composter, if a homeowner decides to stop using it, and will also buy excess compost, if a homeowner doesn't need it all.
I'm flabbergasted. And excited. And disappointed these composters are

How is it in that in the US, indoor composters look like this:
And in India, they look like this:

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